Space biomed technologies LTD.

The space health technology market is rapidly growing due to ​increased space exploration and the recognition of astronauts' ​physiological challenges. Space Biomedtechnologies Ltd., a startup, ​aims to test a prototype of conductive fabric and a device for ​physiological measurements on the ISS. This initiative is part of a ​broader mission to revolutionize healthcare and space medicine ​beside advancements in neuromonitoring, medical robotics, and ​extended reality (XR).

Space Biomedtechnologies Ltd. focuses on monitoring and managing ​microgravity's effects, such as increased intracranial pressure (ICP) ​and space flight-associated neuro-ocular syndrome (SANS), which ​impair neurocognitive performance. Instead of invasive ICP ​measurement, the company employs rheoencephalography (REG), a ​non-invasive method to study cerebral blood flow (CBF) and its ​autoregulation. They have developed a program to detect changes in ​REG pulse wave's second peak amplitude, tested reusable ​REG/bioimpedance electrodes, and created a practical, noninvasive ​measurement system for space research.

Established in 2024, the company leads in space health science, ​enhancing astronaut safety with novel biotechnological solutions. ​Recognizing the growing space tourism industry, Space ​Biomedtechnologies Ltd. ensures space travelers' safety through ​telemetry, telemedicine, and advanced technologies in surgical critical ​care and precision medicine for emergencies during space travel.

Microgravity increases ICP and causes SANS, damaging CBF ​autoregulation and leading to neurocognitive impairments. REG ​studies have shown alterations in pulse wave morphology identical to ​ICP changes, reflecting decreased intracranial compliance. The ​company’s innovations make REG measurement practical and ​noninvasive, with applications in space and beyond, including military ​aviation and neurocritical care. This device offers lifesaving, ​noninvasive vital sign monitoring with minimal modifications.


ZVTK Project:

Conductive fabric and a device for physiological measurements on ISS

The market for space health technologies is a potential and rapidly emerging market, driven ​by the increasing interest in space exploration and the growing recognition of the ​physiological challenges faced by astronauts. As space agencies and private spaceflight ​companies expand their presence in space, the demand for innovative health monitoring ​solutions is expected to grow exponentially.

Space Biomedtachnologies Ltd. is being established as a startup with the primary purpose of ​testing the newly manufactured prototype of a “Conductive fabric and a device for ​physiological measurements on the International Space Station (ISS)”. This endeavor is in ​response to the imperative need to monitor and manage the effects of microgravity on ​astronauts, such as increased intracranial pressure and space flight-associated neuro-ocular ​syndrome, causing orthostatic intolerance, headache, and impaired neurocognitive ​performance. Invasive ICP measurement is out of reality during spaceflight. ​Rheoencephalography (REG) is a non-invasive method to study CBF and its auto-regulation. ​We have demonstrated the correlation between the increase of REG pulse wave 2nd peak ​amplitude during the passive status of CBF auto-regulation and during head-down tilt tests. ​We created and tested a program capable of detecting such a type of change automatically. ​Additionally, we successfully tested dry, reusable, REG/bioimpedance electrodes for space ​research without alcohol rubbing.

Recognizing the limitations of current invasive methods, Space Biomedtechnologies Ltd. is ​stepping in to refine and innovate, adding essential advancements to the device post-testing. ​With its inception in 2024, the company is poised to lead in space health science, enhancing ​astronaut safety with novel biotechnological solutions designed for space's unique ​conditions. Space Biomedtechnologies Ltd.'s expertise in health science services is now ​channeled towards the specialized needs of space missions, as they thoroughly test and ​improve this vital technology for the health and safety of those in space exploration. ​Additionally, acknowledging the growing space tourism industry, Space Biomedtechnologies ​Ltd. is also dedicated to ensuring the safety of space travelers through the monitoring of ​potential health issues using telemetry and telemedicine. This approach not only supports ​astronaut health but also provides crucial safety measures for space tourists, incorporating ​advanced technologies in surgical critical care and precision medicine to address ​emergencies and healthcare needs during space travel.

It is known that microgravity increases intracranial pressure (ICP) and causes space flight-​associated neuro-ocular syndrome (SANS) [1] damages cerebral blood flow (CBF AR), ​causing orthostatic intolerance, headache, and impaired neurocognitive performance in ​astronauts. The most likely mechanisms of spaceflight-induced increased ICP include a ​cephalad shift of body fluids, venous outflow obstruction, blood-brain barrier breakdown, and ​disruption to CSF flow [2]. However, a CBF increase was reported, too [3]. Invasive ICP ​measurement is out of reality during spaceflight. Rheoencephalography (REG) is a non-​invasive method to study CBF and its AR [4]. Russians used REG in the 1970s on Salyut 4 [5] ​but did not measure CBF AR nor change in REG pulse wave morphology [6]. Related CBF ​studies use Transcranial Doppler (TCD) which is used to determine CBF in the middle ​cerebral artery. However, CBF AR is a function of arterioles [7], and is not measured. A recent ​clinical study demonstrated that REG pulse wave morphology shows identical alteration as ​ICP by reflecting decreased intracranial compliance caused by ICP elevation, increasing the ​2nd pulse peak [8, 6]. One of the accepted models to study the effect of microgravity is the ​head-down tilt (HDT) test ([9]. The most advanced CBF AR status calculation (PRx) is used in ​clinical practice with invasive measurements of ICP and arterial pressure with the ICM+ ​program [10]. A study documented a good correlation between PRx and REGx [11]. Invasive ​measurements of ICP on ISS and during space flights are out of reality. Our study with healthy ​human volunteers demonstrated that the dominant REG pulse wave morphological change ​was the 2nd peak (P2) amplitude increase or “shoulder formation” on the decreasing, ​(catacrotic) side of the REG pulse wave during the HDT position. The 2nd peak increased in ​15 subjects (78 %); the “shoulder” formation on the catacrotic side was observed in 11 ​subjects (58%). With automated analysis REG P2 increase was significant for females ​(p=0.01) and significant for males (p=0.02). REGx in male and female group averages have ​similar trends during HDT: REGx decreased at the start of HDT, indicating the active status of ​CBF AR (Szabo et al, 2024).The morphological change of REG pulse wave during HDT ​position was identical to ICP waveform change during increased ICP, reflecting decreased ​intracranial compliance. We demonstrated previously the correlation between the increase of ​REG pulse wave 2nd peak amplitude during the passive status of CBF AR [6] and here during ​HDT. We created and tested a program capable of detecting such a type of change ​automatically (Szabo et al, 2023). Additionally, we successfully tested dry, reusable, ​REG/bioimpedance electrodes for space research without alcohol rubbing [12-14]. These ​electrodes can be held by head and armbands. REG measurement 1) can be done before or ​immediately after OCT and fundoscopy measurements to describe the cerebrovascular ​aspect of SANS; 2) REG can quantify the accelerated cerebrovascular aging during space ​travel; 3) The use of a miniaturized REG device (with modules of the DataLyser program - DL) ​on ISS is a cheap and practical, noninvasive measuring possibility. A review of REG studies ​will be published (Chang et al, 2024). Future correlation studies between ICP and REG can ​justify using REG in military aviation, space medicine, and neurocritical care. It should also be ​noted that this device directly offers a lifesaving - noninvasive vital sign monitoring ​opportunity with minimal modifications.”

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Michael Bodo MD, ​PhD

Research Director


Alexander Szabo ​MD, PhD

Head of Testing and Lead ​Medical Officer at the Test ​Center

John Kokavecz ​PhD

Head of Hardware Development ​and Manufacturing

Thomas Nepusz PhD

Head of Software Engineering ​and Development,

Space Engineer

Silvia Kora

CEO, Space Biotechnologist,

Space Specialist in Life ​Sciences

Prof. Dr. Michael Bodo MD, PhD. (Research Director) is a well-published ​expert in REG studies. His PhD dissertation involved several neuromonitoring ​methods, as well as REG and its data processing. His Cerberus system for ​primary stroke prevention was the only awardee of the French Minister of ​Scientific Research at Concourse Lepine (Patent and Innovation Expo, Paris, ​1993; Bodo et al, 1995 and 1996). His work was cited in the 2009 book (Rubin ​et al, 2009).He was asked to write the REG chapter in a bioimpedance book ​(Anonymous 2008) as well as to write REG review articles in the Journal of ​Bioelectric Impedance (Bodo, 2010), and DRC Sustainable Future: Journal of ​Environment, Agriculture, and Energy (Bodo, 2020). He was hired by the US ​Army (Walter Reed Army Institute of Research – WRAIR - Silver Spring, MD) to ​put a non-invasive brain monitor module into the LSTAT. He was the PI of REG-​related studies at WRAIR, in a US Army Medical Command Combat Casualty ​Care Research Project (D43_0025_2005_WRAIR and D43_ 0001_2008_WRAIR; ​2005-2010). He performed several REG validation studies, see publications.An ​important milestone was when he proved an identical lower limit of CBF AR ​measured with PRx and REGx by using the ICM+ program (Brady et al, 2010). ​BRAC terminated his department at WRAIR, but he continued REG-related work ​at NMRC and USUHS, later in New Orleans, LA. The consequence was that 1) ​In neurocritical care patients, he was able to record that REGx change ​coincided with REG pulse wave morphology changes, identical to ICP pulse ​wave morphology alteration during ICP elevation (Brazil, 2022; Cannizzaro et ​al., 2023). 2) His study demonstrated identical REG pulse wave morphology ​change (P2 increase) in healthy humans during increased ICP while in a head-​down tilt position (Szabo et al, 2024). 3) A SW (DataLyser) was created by his ​suggestion to visualize, record, and process physiological signals. It involves ​the calculation of PRx/REGx. They tested a MATLAB script, for the automatic ​calculation of the P2 increase of ICP or REG pulse waves (Szabo et al, 2024). A ​list of published work is available in DTIC, ResearchGate, Google Scholar, ​PubMed He has 22 book chapters, 65 juried, or referred journal articles, and ​published 165 abstracts, presentations, and reports. **Number of Patents: ​Medical electronics (5); Pharmaceutical (27); ***Copyrights (4)


Michael Bodo MD, PhD

Research Director


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Dr. Alexander Szabó MD, PhD. (Head of Testing and Lead ​Medical Officer at ​the Test ​Center) a seasoned medical professional specializing in aviation and ​space medicine, began his distinguished career after graduating from the ​University of Medicine in Debrecen in 1987. He later honed his expertise by ​obtaining a Diploma in Aviation Medicine from King’s College London in 1999, ​where he was also awarded the Barbara Harrison Memorial Prize by British ​Airways for his outstanding performance. Currently, Dr. Szabó is the director of ​the EASA-accredited Aeromedical Center AeMC 002 in Kecskemét, Hungary, ​and holds the position of Chief Flight Surgeon of the Hungarian Defence ​Forces since 2015. He serves as an Associate Professor and Head of the ​Department of Aviation and Space Medicine at the Medical University of ​Szeged, providing education in aviation medicine to both graduate and ​postgraduate students. His research focuses on aviation physiology and ​cardiovascular aptitude tests, significantly contributing to aeromedical safety ​and health standards. Dr. Szabó is also a key Hungarian representative in the ​NATO Aeromedical Working Group and recently completed the ESA Space ​Physician Training Course, further broadening his expertise in space medicine.

ORCID ID:​type=authors&mode=browse&sel=authors10022416

Alexander Szabo MD, PhD

Head of Testing and Lead Medical Officier ​at the Test Center


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John Kokavecz PhD

Head of Hardware Development and ​Manufacturing

Dr. John Kokavecz PhD (Head of Hardware Development ​and Manufacturing) ​It provides custom-designed instrumentation solutions and assistance in R&D ​projects for both industrial and academic partners worldwide. Leveraging its ​experience and expertise in electrical, optical, and software engineering, ​HInstra offers a flexible and cost-effective service profile while maintaining ​quality and professionalism. The market trend tends to favor instruments ​produced in high volumes, which often do not fully meet the special ​requirements of individual projects. Moreover, these instruments tend to ​remain on the market for about a decade, despite rapid technical evolution. ​Such mass-produced instruments may impede the success of an entire ​project, risking significant investment and effort. HInstra's goal is to supply ​devices that are perfectly tailored to their customers' requirements, ​accompanied by extensive technical support, to ensure success in their ​groundbreaking experiments.​020-19710-z

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Thomas Nepusz PhD

Head of Software Engineering and Development, ​Space Engineer

Dr. Thomas Nepusz PhD (Head of Software Engineering ​and Development) is ​a senior software engineer with more than 20 years of experience in software ​design from low-level microcontrollers to advanced AI algorithms. He received ​his PhD degree in computer science (artificial intelligence and data mining) in ​2008 from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and spent ​three years as a postdoctoral fellow in bioinformatics at the Royal Holloway, ​University of London. He was one of the members of the team that built the ​world’s first decentralized autonomous multi-copter flock [1]. He is currently a ​freelance software engineer and CIO and lead software engineer of CollMot ​Robotics, a Hungarian start-up specialized in autonomous unmanned aerial ​vehicles. [1]:​flock-of-autonomous-drones

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Silvia Kóra

CEO, Space Biotechnologist,

Space Specialist in Life Sciences

Silvia Kóra (CEO, Space Biotechnologist)

Silvia Kóra is a PhD candidate at the University of Pécs, focusing on the ​application of virtual reality, robotics, and modern technological research in ​medicine. She is a complex rehabilitation specialist and a space ​biotechnologist. Her scholarly contributions include two critical dissertaries: ​"Complex Rehabilitation of Astronauts after Microgravity Exposure," which ​explores sophisticated rehabilitation methods for astronauts post-space ​missions, and "Emergency Stressors of Spaceflight: Hypoxia and Hypocapnia," ​subtitled "Potential Dangers of Hypercapnia for Astronauts: Space Associated ​Neuro-Ocular Syndrome," addressing significant health risks in space ​travel.Kóra’s expertise is instrumental in advancing the integration of ​innovative technology with medical therapies to enhance astronaut safety and ​health in space environments.


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+3​6 20 480 4868

